
Malaysia is a very famous country for those who wanna get a peaceful, quiet and beautiful flora and fauna.. It is not a weird scenery to see the outsider wandering around to see the beauty and uniqueness of Malaysia.. And we as the people who thrive here should welcome them warmly.. Not because we are thought to respect the guest, it is because the money they brought here.. Economy..



Actually not many people realize the hill at the back of Ampang is related to Titiwangsa Ranges (Banjaran Titiwangsa).. This ranges is the longest rangest in peninsular Malaysia.. That it is why it is also known as Malaysia's backbone.. For those who love geography, they will not suprise by the fact that this ranges is a continuation of Himalaya Ranges.. The highest ranges in the world with its famous Everest and K2 mountains.. The Titiwangsa Ranges runs south-north from Negeri Sembilan to Thailand.. There are many mountains here ranging from 900m to 2100m in height.. The highest summit is Korbu Mountain 2183m.. There are many other summits which is not mentioned here.. Search enternet to get info, or ask the expert..

This time, I went for a morning trip with my friend Hazim Hushim.. He was so enthusiastic to see the beauty of hills and mountains of Titiwangsa Ranges.. It is a worth journey because the distance is not far from our hostel.. Its only about 25km from Ampang.. And for those who is tired with unhealthy air in kL, this is a marvellous place to rejuvanate your respiratory system.. The air is clean and fresh..

You are not lonely here, because there will be a lot of people travelling from near and far to get here.. Some of them came to take pictures, to camp and hike.. The most is to run from the busyness of town that hounting them in the weekday.. So friends, why not relax our mind by visitting Malaysia's forest, a hugh rewards from mother nature to us.. Alhamdulillah thanks to god for giving us such a nice place to visit. More places we wander, more times we wonder.. And finally we know, everything comes from Allah and as the servant, we must not forget our duties.. Wallahu'alam..

In a sudden, there was or shall I say is a well developed food court in Temerloh, something that we never seen before.. The name is not to mentioned here, though the clue is up there in the title.. It is so huge that it can hold pressure from 300 customers in a time provided they sit on the floor.. Point to ponder is, with it's gigantic size, there should be more than 50 chairs at least.. Maybe they will be willing to buy in the next few decades..

The good things is, it will not take long after you sit for the waiter to come.. The no of customers there explain why.? As usual, I will not order food and prefer to apply wait and see in a new restaurant especially when there is word 'beast-throw' in front of it.. Therefore, let my friends get slaughtered first..

The foods is nor bad.. neither delicious.. I say its okay.. Everyone was happy talking and if there is no idea or topic come to mind, there is a huge screen there to be watched.. and at that time, pink panther was played.. Nothing grows wrong.. Hafriz the guy with a pair of spectacle said that mee kari he ate was slight sour.. But to me its okay.. well how can you complain if you dont pay for it..

Still we have tazkirah to purify our souls

Faiz try to increase his weight
A student SHOULD NOT take more than 2 hours to eat.. So we rushed back after the hour mark.. The waiter is called, she came politely.. What on earth the price was.. Even kopi cam ( coffee + tea ) was RM2.20.. The roof top prices were even experienced by the other table members.. Never mind, be cool pull out the wallet and pay.. Well you can think what the mind say..

repent not to come again
Assalamualaikum. Emm salam sejahtera, bila org menyebut tentang indoor, bukan maksudnye dalam pintu, tapi boleh laa kalo kite pakai bahasa melayu berbunyi dalaman.. Jd kalo indoor photography ni, bole laa kite terjemahkan sbagai fotografi dalaman kot.. N kali ni aku nk bawak korang gi tgok Plaza Angsana dan Skudai Parade kat jB.. Sbb ape dlm bnyk2 tempat yg aku bole shoot indoor aku pilih sini, aku pun xtau..

Shooting indoor ni mencabar, sbb kite kene manage pencahayaan die, mcm dlm post2 yg lepas, 3 perkara asas yg mesti diketahui ialah aperture, shutter speed dan iso.. Jd kalo berminat nak tau stuD sendiri laa, dah malas nk citer.. Yg dah tau plak, sampaikan kpd mereka2 yg xtau.. Selain daripada masalah cahaya, masalah laen seperti lalu lintas juga penting.. Kdg2 kite dah nk tangkap gambo tu, tyme tu laa plak orang nk lalu.. Ade 1 teknik yg orang berani je bole buat, name die teknik invasive photography.. ( name ni aku sndirik yg kasi ) Kite dtg2 kat orang tangkap gambo die.. Kalo berani buat laa..
Kawal anak2 ketika di pasar raya, takut ade yg hilang plak..
AWAS!! dengan jualan murah seperti ini. Anda mgkin tertipu
Tempat2 seperti ini sebenarnya selain dapat membantu menjana ekonomi, tp sebenarnya bole mengundang pemandangan2 yg buruk dan hodoh.. Kt cni gak laa tempat bdk2 duk melepak, ponteng skolah dan memadu asmara.. Jadi ibu2 bapak2 siapa yg punya anak, sila pastikan yg diorang ni betul2 ade kat mane.. Sbb bdk2 zaman skunk ni mmg kuat menipu, ceh2 mcm ade pngalaman plak..

Berhati2 di tangge karen ni, adik aku penah sangkut selipar kt cni.. ade cite sorang perempuan pakai sari tersangkut dan berpusing2 sbb sari yg die lilit badan die kne sedut..
Pusat membeli belah dihiasi dengan indah utk menarik perhatian orang ramai
Assalamualaikum. Emm kali ni, kite nk bincang tentang ape.? Tentang bdk2.. Bdk2 ni kalo masuk dalam gambo, mmg comel.. Tp yg pentingnye, kite kene pandai dan tahu masa dan keadaan yg sesuai utk tangkap gambo diorang.. Ade bdk yg ske bergambo, ade yg malu2.. Nk tangkap spesis yg malu2 nie, agak laa susah sket.. Oleh itu, strategi mesti laa dirancang.. Xde ape pun strategi sbnarnye, cme kite kene tgok sampai die tgh leka tu, pastu snap je laa..
Gambo2 nie aku tangkap scare candid, mase ni ade majlis qurban kat surau area tmpat aku tggal.. Gambo2 candid ni masalahnye dari segi balance die laa.. Kdg2 kite xdpt nk centre kan. Mase ni laa editing tu diperlukan.. Tp gambo2 aku, aku xedit laa sbb xreti.. Kalo sorang photographer tu bagus, die pandai tangkap gambo.. Tp kalo die dah tahap ultimate, die bole tangkap suasana dan perasaaan.. Smpai tahap kalo org tgok gambo die, org bole menghayati ekspresi yg cbe disampaikan..
Jd nk cite sket laa pasal bdk2 nie.. Skarang kalo kite tgok, muda-mudi kite ni prangai pelik2.. Kalo korang perasan laa, kalo korang xperasan maksudnye korang pun dah ikut same pelik gak.. Bile maruah xdijaga, biadab dan menggunakan perkataan2 yg keji, maka bole kite katekan diorang ni dah lari dari landasan agama dan adab2 yg diajar oleh persatuan ibu bapa dan guru2.. Mase kecik2 ni laa kalo boleh kite nak ajar mereka agar menjadi orang yg berguna.. Dlm hal ini, budaya dan amalan tunjuk-menunjuk mcm mase nk beli kuih raye tu xbole kite amalkan..
Ibu bapa tuding ke cikgu, cikgu tunjuk kat ustaz, ustaz jeling kat ibu balik.. Macam ni, mmg kite xkan bole dpt generasi yg bagus.. jd nye, same2 laa kite membina generasi yg beriman dan beramal soleh.. Sbnarnye kalo laa kite jumpe lampu ajaib, pastu gosok2 keluar jin islam.. Pastu jin tu kate "ko bole pilih 1 daripada 3 pilihan" Pilihan pertama menjadi pemimpin yg berpengaruh, dengannya ko boleh mentadbir dan menguruskan sebuah negara dgn baik.. Berdakwah ke sluruh negara.. Musuh2 Islam laen hormat dan takut kepada ko.. yg ke-2 memiliki kekayaan yg amat luas, dengannya ko bole menderma dan melakukan kebajikan.. Ko boleh membantu orang miskin dan negara2 Islam yg len.. dan yg ke-3 memiliki barisan pemuda-pemudi yg beriman dan beramal soleh.. Melakukan ibadah dgn ikhlas dan sentiasa mengharap keredhaan Allah.. Maka pilihan ke-3 lah yg paling baek.. Sbb macamana berpengaruh dan kaya sekalipun kite, belum tentu generasi selepas kita akan berterusan bagus.. ( yg ni kisah sahabat yg telah diubah suai )
Akhir skali, anak2 jgn dibiarkan berseorangan dan bersendirian.. Ini kerana pelbagai perkara yg xdiingini bole terjadi.. Anak2 memerlukan teman sebagai pembimbing, emosi mereka mendambakan kasih sayang.. Dan didikan pada peringkjat awal adalah yg paling penting.. Berpada2 lah dalam mengasihi dan memanjakan ank2.. Lebey2 pun xbole jugak.. Nnt naek kapara plak..
